Introduction to Cupping Massage
This course is the foundation to learning the basics of cupping massage therapy and is a pre-requisite to the advanced course.
Meridian Massage and Acupressure
Massage therapists will have a stronger effect on the muscular, circulatory and nervous system by adding the knowledge and skill of meridians and acupressure to their everyday massage treatment.
Stretching and Strengthening Video Home Care Series- Online
Massage therapists will learn and apply home care stretching and strengthening routines for frequently seen patient complaints. Easily add value to your clients with a shareable therapeutic toolkit.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping massage therapy has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of muscular pain. It provides deep muscular relief for the patient with minimal strain from massage therapist.
Courses Offered
Introduction to Cupping Massage
Edmonton, AB:
May 25 & 26, 2024
Calgary, AB:
October 26 & 27, 2024
Meridian Massage & Acupressure
Calgary, AB:
April 27 & 28, 2024
Edmonton, AB:
September 21 & 22, 2024
Introduction to Acupressure
*New one day course
Dates To Be Determined
Course Registration: $550
Email to register and e-transfer funds to cuppingmassagetherapy@gmail.com
The mission of Cupping Massage Therapy is to educate, inspire, and promote balance for Registered Massage Therapists.
The aim of the training is to create credible, practical, and easy to apply massage techniques that enhance the business of massage therapists. We commit to providing a professional, safe, and relaxed atmosophere for participants to learn and apply new knowledge.
Cupping Massage Therapy believes treating the body involves integrating proven techniques and modalities from Eastern and Western medicine in order to find wellness for our clients in the treatment and prevention of injury and illness.


Chantel Moen
RMT, R.Ac, Dip.TCM
Chantel Moen RMT, R.Ac, Dip.TCM, developed the Cupping Massage Training course due to a high demand from other therapists wanting to learn the discipline and patients requesting the treatment.
Chantel possesses ten years of clinical experience starting with a completed 2200 hour massage therapy diploma at the Professional Institute of Massage Therapy in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. After obtaining membership with MTAA as a registered massage therapist, Chantel decided to continue her education at the Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Calgary, Alberta. In 2006 she graduated with a joint diploma in acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine and began practising as a registered acupuncturist at Country Hills Chiropractic and Massage.
Chantel uses traditional chinese acupuncture along with cupping, cupping massage, ear acupuncture, massage therapy and chinese herbal medicine in her practice. She treats a wide variety of conditions in her practice including pain, sports injuries, women’s health issues, insomnia and digestive disturbances. Chantel has a passion for health, fitness and good wholesome food.
“Prevention is the key to living a long and healthy life.”

Cupping Massage Therapy
236, 5149 Country Hills Boulevard NW
Calgary, AB
Email: cuppingmassagetherapy@gmail.com
Tel: (403) 852-6366
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: